“The aim (of education) must be the training of independently acting and thinking individuals who, however, can see in the service to the community their higher life achievements.” Albert Einstein rightly stated his concern regarding the quality of education which must be rendered to the individuals , so as to instigate a sense of change and development into them.
Though, according to UNDP, the strength of a nation depends on a rampant growth of statistics like GDP, GNI, and number of goods and services produced and other socio-economic factors yet human is also an imperative facet which lays an infallible role in these statistics and is also inextricably interwoven in various development projects and policies, laid down by various nations. Besides, every nation is busy now , instigating into their citizens quality education, which is directly proportional to the human capital and can create wide income inequalities in the society. Adam smith rightly said,” The capacities of individuals depend on their access to education.”
However in the developing countries like India, the education system has been improved in the recent past , yet they are trying to triumph the modern war with old armors. In India, nearly 65 percent population is engaged in agriculture sector and most of them are in dearth of essential skills and knowledge. In contrast, about 25 percent of the total population is engaged in service sector which contributes to more than half of the GDP as compare to the agriculture sector which added only 32 percent in spite of having a large workforce involved in it. Thus, holistic access to quality education in each sector can pilot a nation to success.
According to World development report (1991), The overall goal of development is therefore to increase the economic , political, social and civil rights of the people across gender , ethnic groups, religions, races, regions and countries. However, International institutions like World bank, IMF, and UNESCO have been consecrating incessantly to provide help to developing nations achieving their educational goals, yet it is still a substantial need for developing countries to augment the share of their GDP in education sector . In India, around 3-4 percent of the GDP has been spent on education which is not more than a drop in the bucket . Consequently, this small share ultimately has produced a chip on the shoulder of Indian government in the form of poverty, unemployment, increasing slums, lack of standard of living of people which is considered as one of the major indicator of development in Human development index report .
Thus, Education has been proved as an important instrument of the machinery of the nation. Now, there is a need to congregate all educational instruments in a common platform through proper education (subjective as well as analytical) and amelioration of the human resource management , which only can prevent people from becoming programmed devices and instigate into them a “real intelligent holistic human capability” and a sense of development from within “ holistically” to make outside more developed and holistic.
Copyright 2011
Dr. Singh
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