BHAGAT- The ‘Right knight’
On the rope, the knot was tight: the mask, to close the light
Who fight to emancipate, to let us know the colors of fight
Colors of ‘basant’ he recites, to show the ‘whites’ on the throne
The plight of the down-trodden. For nation alone, he doesn’t fight
But to ignite the fainting hope, the spark from within alone.
He did ignite to fight, but not alone. The brothers and sisters died
They tried to put off the strife and render that independence.
Bhagat- his smile was brave enough, to scatter the flock
Of the frightened but weak minds of the “polity-stricken’
His smile was brave, to loose the chains and the knot
Of the rope. The knot around the neck, the knot of the rope
To stop the flow of blood, to stop the hope; the vertigo, the pain
They follow to be insane for the sane of the heterogeneous culture.
Bhagat- tried to emancipate, to free, everyday who fly
In the planes of thoughts to knock
The doors of the legitimate, he fly in the dry
World of people, who cries but denies
To know the ‘bhagat’, to know beyond
The meaning of a ‘terrorist’.
The politics, the parties from old times. They play the bands
Smiles they seek, to coat the vote
Of shattered pieces, pieces of the land.
Whites are gone and browns are ruling.
It endorses the way he speaks- the Bhagat
Bhagat- he speaks, he sees, he writes, he seeks
He cares, he murders for the browns, unknowingly his age.
Army men in the BSF, we see the fight, we see them fight
To save the plight.
They die for the nation, they show their love
Bound by their families, unknowingly their age, they rage
They murder, they die, they cry, they feel
The empathy of the enemies. Bounded they are
The rope of the ‘shrinked-love’ of the multi-partisan men
Who cries, who tries to emancipate the party ‘only’.
Bhagat- in millions, the army of the nation
The army of a single entity.
Younger he was, loaded with the guns of wisdom
To vanish the nexus of age, to plough the field of minds.
The world is new; the dreams are new, for the new
Thoughts; let’s make Bhagat from within to emancipate
The ‘Right knight’ of the humanity…
Author- Singh Harpreet